Spacewalk at ISS postponed due to a spacesuit discomfort issue

(From left) NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Matthew Dominick
(From left) NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Matthew Dominick. (Image credit: NASA)

The 271st spacewalk outside the International Space Station (ISS), which was scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. EDT (12:00 UTC) on June 13, 2024, has been postponed due to a spacesuit discomfort issue. 

NASA announced the postponement at 7:25 a.m. EDT before the astronauts were anticipated to exit the station’s Quest airlock.

As a result, two NASA astronauts, Tracy C. Dyson and Matt Dominick, who were supposed to conduct 271st spacewalk, removed their spacesuits.

According to NASA, Dyson served as spacewalk crew member 1 and wore a spacesuit with red stripes, and Dominick served as spacewalk crew member 2 and wore an unmarked spacesuit.

However, NASA did not announce which astronaut had experienced the spacesuit discomfort issue.

It was the fourth spacewalk for Dyson and the first for Dominick, and it was supposed to last for 6.5 hours.

Please remember that NASA-designed spacesuits are called Extravehicular Mobility Units, or EMUs. The Quest airlock, a pressurized space station module, is the primary path for spacewalk entry and departure for astronauts wearing NASA-designed spacesuits.

Russian astronauts who use Roscosmos-designed spacesuits (called Orlan spacesuits) usually enter and depart the space station for spacewalks through the Poisk airlock module.

Two cosmonauts (Russian astronauts) conducted the last spacewalk, i.e., the 270th spacewalk, outside the International Space Station (ISS) on April 25, 2024.

The next spacewalks (i.e., 272nd and 273rd) at the International Space Station (ISS) are scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024, and Tuesday, July 2, 2024. However, NASA has yet to announce which astronauts will participate.

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Ashim Chandra Sarkar founded Space & Telescope in 2022. He holds a M.Sc. in physics and has five years of research experience in optical astronomy. His passion for astronomy inspired him to open this website. He is responsible for the editorial vision of

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